A Little Bit of Faith: : Find Rest in Christ

Colleen White
Colleen White

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul” (Psalm 23:1-2). Most of us know the 23rd Psalm. We may have learned it when we were children. This beautiful Psalm reminds us that we are to find rest in Christ Jesus. It also reminds us that our souls can be restored in Christ as well.

Too many times, however, we tend to think that we have to fight our way through our problems. We believe that we can only depend on ourselves. We also fill all our days with every single activity that we can think of. There is no time for our bodies to rest. It is during these times that we lose rest and become weary in our souls. We become like the walking dead. We are unable to truly find rest because we are running around trying to fill every minute of every day. We are lost.

This is not what God would have for us. God wants to be at peace. He wants us to be at rest. If we allow Him, God can give us rest and peace. Having a restful mind can help us to think more clearly. Don’t let your soul grow weary, find your rest in Christ. Are you ready to be at peace and find the rest you need? If so, God is waiting on you to find your peace in Him. Amen? Amen.