A Little Bit of Faith: : Do You Have the Faith of Job?

Colleen White
Colleen White

Many of us face daily trials. Sometimes our trials seem to be more than we can handle. It is during these very difficult trials that our faith may be tested. We may wonder where God is in all the madness that we may be facing. We may even feel alone at that particular time in our lives. However, there is someone who has faced difficult trials and tribulations. And while everyone around him was telling him to curse God, he did not.

Job was a man who had a strong faith in God. When Job lost all of his children, his money, and his home, his wife told him (Job) to curse God, but Job refused to. Instead, Job held on to his faith even stronger. Job did not blame God for his circumstances. Instead, Job immediately began praising God. He said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised” (Job 1:21).

It may seem difficult to understand how Job could not have any anger in his heart toward God. Job’s unshakable faith allowed him to continue to walk with God. “In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing,” (Job1:22). Job was secure in his walk with God. Since Job walked daily with the Lord, Job was able to stand firm in his faith when the storms came.

Are you going through something? Have you lost your faith? If you have, you can ask God for forgiveness and learn to walk in faith with God again. You can find peace in Jesus Christ if you are willing to trust Him. Are you willing to trust God with your trials? I know I am. Amen? Amen.