A Little Bit of Faith: Do You Have an Abundant Life?


What does having an abundant life mean to you?   According to the Bible it says,

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).  Why do you think the Father would be concerned whether or not you have a more abundant life?  What kind of abundant life do you think He is referring to? People often think our Heavenly Father is referring to having a life filled with financial wealth.  But that’s not it.  He’s more concerned with your spiritual wealth—meaning He’s concerned with your spirit. What a wonderful thing that is for the Father to be concerned about your spirit. He’s the only one who truly has a heart and a love for you.  He gives you many, many, many opportunities to open your heart to Him.  Although you may appear to have a wonderful fun-filled life, there is a part of you which desires to have a relationship with Him.  This is the void that cannot be filled by anything or anyone else.

Sometimes you may fill the void with people, drugs, alcohol, sex, and food.  You still desire to have a sincere relationship with the Father.  Yet circumstances in your life may have caused you to turn away from Him.  It’s never too late.  You can still have an abundant life that brings abundant joy that goes beyond anyone’s understanding.  It’ll be an inner peace that will help you to weather any kind of storm.  You already know that storms may come in any package. And when the storms do come, you’ll know that you won’t have to go through the storm alone.

So let’s begin to think of an abundant life that includes having a relationship with the heavenly Father. Let’s begin to look forward to the future with more confidence knowing that you have someone who is greater than yourself holding your hand as you move through the strange and tangled roads that many of us experience while we are still living this life.   Let’s move forward walking with an attitude of being a servant to His will and not our own.

An abundant life will come when you are willing to let your self-centeredness go and allow Him to move toward the center of your life.  When this occurs, you’ll know that you are moving toward having that abundant life that’s mentioned in John 10:10. Don’t be surprised when you begin to look back and see how you were in a fog thinking that an abundant life was a about wealth and not about your spirit. You’ll probably even begin to laugh because you’ll know, more truly, what that scripture means and how it changed your life and your mindset.

Now that you have something to look forward to that can help lead you along a path that’s more centered on God’s will for your life, you can begin the journey of exploring that abundant life you’ve wanted.  Abundance can come in many ways.  It’s often when you think that you’re unable to receive His abundance that your cup will begin to overflow.  It’s a blessed joy knowing you can have your abundant life now.  Amen? Amen.