A Little Bit of Faith: Do What’s Right


Do you have a difficult time doing what’s right? Do you have a hard time making the right choice? We all do from time to time.  However, the difficulty comes when we constantly make wrong choices.  The Bible says in Proverbs 12:28:  “There is life in doing what is right.  Along that path you will never die.”  My daughter says that this means to take the right path.  Her understanding of this verse is so simple.  Yet, it helps to direct us toward a better understanding as to how God wants us to be with Him as well.

We should be willing to accept that taking the right path or making right choices is an easy thing to do.  Why? Because if we allow our Heavenly Father to help guide our decision making process, we should never go down the wrong path.  The trouble comes because we don’t want to allow Him (the Father) to help us with our decision making process.  We tend to think, “I got this.”  We don’t need Him to help us make any kind of decision when it comes to our lives.  How wrong we are.

We should be more willing to accept His help when He is willing to offer it to us. How does He do this? Well, we have to be open minded enough to know that when it comes to making right choices, often times, we don’t do so well.  Let’s look at ourselves a little bit more closely.  Have you found yourself in a situation that you know you should not be in?  Did you know in advance that you were making the wrong choice? Well then, I prove my case.

If we just take a minute to consult the Father when it comes to both big and small choices, we could avoid getting ourselves in bad situations.  When will we learn that Jesus the Christ is always willing to help us to take the right path?   Let’s be more like children when it comes to making decisions. Let’s be willing to go to the Father with our child-like abandonment and ask Him to help us to make right choices. Why?  Because in the end, we all want to do what is right. We all want to do the right thing. Amen? Amen.