A Little Bit of Faith: Consult God First

Colleen White
Colleen White

By Colleen White

What plans have you made for yourself? Many of us plan our days, our lives, and for our vacations. However, very few of us will consult God about what we should do on a daily basis. The book of Proverbs says, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). How have you allowed God to determine your steps?

Often if things don’t go our way, we become bitter and we start blaming God. We tend to think that God is supposed to do as we ask Him, if we pray. But our plans are not always the best plans for our lives. If we allow Him, He will provide a better path for us. We might not notice it initially, but when we have an opportunity to look back on the situation, we will see that God’s plans were best.

So if you are busy planning your life without consulting God first, you might need to stop and see what God has to say about it. God’s plans are always the best plans. He will not lead you down the wrong path. God will never lead you the wrong way. We need to simply consult Him first. This week while you are busy planning your life, why don’t you consult God first. Let Him help you to plan your life this week. Are you willing to do that? I know I will consult God first.

Amen? Amen