A Little Bit of Faith: Can You Be Accused?

Colleen White
Colleen White

People who know you, can they accuse you of being a Christian?  If they were to visit you at your home, office, or anywhere else, would there be enough evidence that you are a follower of Christ?  There should be, when Peter was following Jesus, a servant girl accused Peter of being a follower of Jesus Christ. How did she do this? Well, she said that Peter’s speech was that of Jesus. She also suggested that Peter was with Christ, and she said emphatically that Peter was surely with Jesus. She knew for sure that Peter had to be one of them (Mark 14:66-70). It appears that Peter had enough evidence to indict him for being a follower of Jesus Christ. Can this be said of you?  Would you be indicted for being a follower of Christ?

In the book of Mark, Peter disowns Jesus. However, because of the mounting evidence, he could not truly disown Jesus because the evidence proved that he had an ongoing relationship with the Savior. “When she saw Peter warming himself, she looked closely at him. ‘You also were with that Nazarene, Jesus, she said’” (Mark 14:67). What would you have done

Unfortunately, for many of us, there is not enough evidence that could indict, nor convict us of being followers of Christ.   With this being said, there are some things that we can do to change this. However, you have to want to be connected to Christ whether it is convenient for you or not. Most of us only want to be connected to Jesus when it’s in our favor—if it’s not in our favor; we leave Jesus in the closet.

Where are you on the Jesus scale? Can you be convicted or will you plead the fifth? Think about it! Amen? Amen.