A Little Bit of Faith: Call on Him


Are you in a difficult situation today? Have you been in this same spot before? How did you handle it the last time? Sometimes, we find ourselves falling down and trying to get back up just to fall down again. Does this mean we have failed? No it does not. It simply means that we need something greater than ourselves to help us to get back up.

In the book of Psalm David cries out to God for help. He said, “I waited patiently for the Lord: He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand” (Psalm 40: 1-2). David is calling on God to deliver him from something. If you’re living, then you can understand what David is saying. All of us need deliverance from something at some point in our lives.

Most of the time, if we find ourselves in a difficult situation, we want to turn to our friends and seek their help, but we need to be seeking God’s help. This is what David does in Psalm 40. David needs help right away and he calls on God to help him. Our Heavenly Father is always right on time. Even though we may think God doesn’t answer our calls, He does. Sometimes the answer is to wait, sometimes the answer is no, and sometimes the answer is yes. But the one thing we know for sure is that God’s timing is perfect.

What do you need God’s help with? Have you been praying about it?  If you’re not praying about your situation, then you should. Call on God, He’s ready to help.  Don’t be too prideful to seek His help. Our Heavenly Father is a faithful God! You can depend on Him. Amen? Amen.