A Little Bit of Faith: A Valentine for a Lifetime


February is the month of love. Many may have our minds occupied with what we well get the one we love that will truly express the love we have for them. We may search for flowers online, go to local florists, or buy boxed candy for our loved ones. Love seems to surround us during this time of year, and all of us want to be in love and to be loved.

However, often, the love we seek is a temporary love that can leave us feeling sad and lonely. We may want to find a love that will consume us or fill our hearts and souls. But when we look to another to be our everything and to fill our dark spaces with love, joy, and life, then we are looking for love in all the wrong places.

There is truly only one person’s love who will never fail us and His love will last forever.

In the book of Psalm it says, “Give thanks to the God of Heaven. His love endures forever,” (Psalm 136:26). God’s love for us is not dependent on our love for Him. He loves us unconditionally because of who He is.

If you’re looking for a love that will last this Valentine’s Day, look toward the Heavenly father. He will love you with a love that is everlasting. His perfect love for you will cast out any fear or doubt you may carry in your heart.

Do you want a love that will last for all eternity?  Would you like to have a Valentine that would last a lifetime? If so, God’s love will endure forever. Look to Him to complete you this Valentine’s Day. I know I will. Amen. Amen?