A Little Bit of Faith: A Thanksgiving Prayer


Our Father, we are thankful for the many blessings that you have bestowed. We pray for families that have much so that they may have the heart to share with those in need. We pray for those in need, Lord that you will help to meet their needs. We are also thankful for our friends, our jobs, our families, and all the things in between that you allow us to have or do. Father thank you for this country as well. Even though this country has many problems, it’s still a country where we can openly praise and worship you.

Heavenly Father we also take a moment to pray for Paris, France and other countries that have been affected by terrorist attacks. We ask, Lord, that your perfect will be done. Help the families that have been affected by these situations, and other wars, to feel your presence and your love. Bring peace in the mist of chaos. Bring hope where there is no hope, bring understanding where there is none, bring compassion where there is none, bring tolerance where there is none, and bring agape love to dark places where the light of love needs to expose the darkness

Father, we know that all good and perfect gifts come from you. So as families are blessed in big and small ways, we pray that they will feel your presence and goodness in all things, Father. It’s a blessing to have school teachers, police departments, fire departments, governments, politicians, hospitals, churches, doctors, nurses, pastors, loving families and so much more that I am unable to list. We are thankful for it all!

Therefore, with humble hearts, bowed heads, and closed eyes we acknowledge you on this day we call Thanksgiving and we praise your holy name. Thank you for never leaving us, never failing us, and never giving up on us. We are an imperfect family, but you love us anyway.  Amen? Amen.