A Grand Jury In Manhattan New York Has Indicted Former President Donald Trump


By James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D.

It is always easier to kick the can down the road and let someone else worry about it. Following a path or making a new path? Most of us have had to answer that question over our lifetime.

Doing something about a problem is always challenging and at times unpopular. The status quo is always the preferred alternative.

Being called a trouble-maker or a malcontent are terms that we hear frequently these days. Let us add whistle-blower to that list as well.

Trying to curb the power of corrupt men and women is not easy. They have been getting away with this vile and sometimes clandestine behavior for so long they believe they are invincible.

Cheating and telling lies don’t seem to bother them but it bothers us. Yet we remain silent in too many instances. To use a popular term today, we have “normalized” it.

How can wrongdoing at any level be something that we just accept? What is happening to us and our sense of standards?

Last week, the 45th president of this country was indicted on 34 felony counts. A grand jury in New York city chose to indict Donald Trump. The charges were presented to the grand jury by Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg.

Mr. Trump has entered a plea of not guilty which is not surprising given that he believes he did nothing wrong.

It is my opinion that from the beginning he has held on to the belief that he can do and say whatever he wants to without any consequence.

The record will show that he is the first president in our nation to be indicted yet his supporters simply walk and talk in lock step with him. Nothing is wrong they say.

For example, Senator Mitt Romney has now become a Trump enthusiast as he believes it is some type of witch hunt. This is the same Mitt Romney who denounced Trump after January 6th. Sad for Mr. Romney as it appears he has transitioned to the dark side.

The judge in the case, Juan Manuel Merchan told all parties last week to tone down the divisive rhetoric. This mandate didn’t last long with Mr. Trump as he was critical of both the judge and the district attorney at an event held hours after he left New York.

The trial date has not been set yet by Judge Juan Merchan. The prosecution wants the trial to begin in January while the defense wants it to begin in the Spring of next year. We will just have to wait and see.

Popular opinion has Mr. Bragg trying this case. As we know, he was elected in 2021 and became the first African American to hold that office.

Between now and the trial date, the former president’s lawyers will be busy trying to prove innocence out of guilt. They will try to prove evil wins out over good. Good luck with that assertion as it won’t work. That is my opinion.

His allies are calling the case weak and without merit. Is there some good in paying off people who have the goods on you? Is there honor in cheating and creating false records?

You and I know there is no honor in his schemes and poor judgements. He has hurt and harmed those around him who had confidence in him. It is my thinking that his political parachute is on the way down.

We the people are seeing Trump’s political embarrassment play out right in front of our eyes. He is being shamed with each passing day. History books and historians will not be kind to him.