A Different Experience at David W. Carter High School


Carter 2David W. Carter High School’s librarian, Mrs. Warren Lewis, wanted to present a different experience for Black History Month. This year, she embellished the décor with black figurines and books in the display window for those who pass by; however, once you entered in, the library has become a transformation of Black Greek life displayed. The windows that normally cover the length of the library have been a representation of the Divine Nine from faculty and staff members from Carter High School with the exception of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity. Additional support was given by Cynthia Butler‐Carter, Bryon Temple, and Jonathan Lewis.

The histories of these organization date back as far as the early 1900s. This presentation allowed students to admire and expand inquires of the organizations. Through the use of displays in the media center, Carter was able to promote college readiness and stimulation to the minds of the student body. Although some were disappointed when they were denied to wear the paraphernalia, it opened the discussion of Black Greek life history and legacy. The Carter Nation enjoyed the preparations and competitions of displays which will encourage a greater response for next year.

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