Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

Often, the fact that the Clean Air Act was signed into law in 1970 after passing Congress by a strong bipartisan vote is forgotten.  By enacting this landmark legislation, the federal government took a stand for public health and against air pollution. It was a move that was heralded on both sides of the aisle and applauded by the American people because it put the public’s interests first.

In the decades that followed, we saw substantial economic growth while enjoying a cleaner environment. The fight to protect our environment didn’t end in 1970 though. President Obama is continuing this effort with the Clean Power Plan, which aims to transform the way we produce energy. Unfortunately, just as has been the case with the Clean Air Act, the Clean Power Plan is not short on detractors.

The same individuals that cried foul and predicted the end of American competitiveness in 1970 are making the exact exaggerated claims today about the Clean Power Plan. This posturing is both ill-advise dand without a prudent foundation.

I hear from some of my Republican colleagues that if the United States cuts its carbon emissions, it will have no impact on the global temperature or sea level rise. Yet, that is not the reality. Any effort to reduce emissions will have an impact, and through our leadership we can challenge other nations to do the same. As we heard from Chinese President Xi Jinping, China, one of our key competitors, has accepted this challenge and is introducing a cap-and-trade program that will undoubtedly spur innovation and economic growth.

I am most pleased with the work the Environmental Protection Agency is performing. The agency’s top priority is to protect the health of the public and the planet, and I commend them for staying true to their mission in the face of unfounded and hyperbolic criticism.

So what are the facts? The Clean Power Plan is projected to save American families nearly $85 on their annual energy bill in 2030. It will grow the solar and wind energy industries and make major advancements in energy efficiency across our economy.

Scientists have made it abundantly clear to lawmakers and industry leaders alike that climate change is here and we must work together to deal with it. Without transforming our energy sources or reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, we will not be able to address the looming challenge of climate change. The issue of addressing climate change should not be relegated to partisan bickering on the campaign trail or be restricted to academic discussions. This will affect us all, and we all should be concerned.

Leaders in the faith community have also requested that Congress address climate change. When Pope Francis spoke before a recent joint session of Congress, he called for “a courageous and responsible effort to redirect our steps and to avert the most serious effects of the environmental deterioration caused by human activity.” The Pope stated, “I am convinced that we can make a difference, and I have no doubt that the United States — and this Congress — have an important role to play.”

Reprinted from The Hill