2022 Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concerts

Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concerts consists of three different sacred concerts performed in 1965, 1968, and 1973. Ellington referred to his Sacred Concerts as some of his most important works; each Concert offering different selections that provide the listener with a glimpse into the composer’s journey of faith. Ellington’s work has been widely lauded as a pivotal piece that merged jazz, swing, gospel, and classical music with the spirit of the church. Ellington’s Sacred Concerts require a large body of talented performers including a choir, soloists, orchestral ensemble, and dancers.
Ellington’s Sacred Concerts is a piece intentionally programmed for this moment in time. This piece’s transformative messages filled with thoughts of love, hope, and freedom resonate more now that we live (and perform) in a very divisive world. Ellington’s Sacred Concerts incorporates various musical elements, and the South Dallas Concert Choir has enlisted a cadre of talented musicians from the Dallas Metroplex capable of performing this work’s many different musical elements. Ellington created music that either emphasizes a sung sermon or leaves the audience listening to the harmonic structure of Ellington’s musical brilliance.
The South Dallas Concert Choir will sing selections from all three Sacred Concerts. As this is a sacred piece, it is appropriate that it be performed in a church. the South Dallas Concert Choir has chosen to perform this piece at East Dallas Christian Church in southeastern Dallas. This congregation has a rich music tradition and currently hosts a concert series with which this rarely performed work would blend perfectly. This concert will be a befitting end to Black Music Month 2022.