
1. Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis/Tetanus-Diptheria-acellular- Pertussis containing vaccine: Students who started the series before age 7 years – Five doses, with one after the fourth birthday, unless the fourth dose was received after the fourth birthday, in which case only four doses are required. Students who started the series after age 7 years – Three doses of any combination of diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. Students in grade 7 – one dose of Tdap if it has been five years since previous dose of tetanus-containing vaccine. Students in grades 8-12 – one booster dose of Tdap if it has been 10 years since previous dose of tetanus-containing vaccine.

2. Poliomyelitis (to age 18 years): Four doses with one dose on or after the fourth birthday. Three doses meet the requirement if the third dose is given on or after the fourth birthday.

3. Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR): One dose on or after the first birthday for students under age 4. Two doses on or after the first birthday beginning in pre-kindergarten – twelfth grades. Serologic* confirmation of rubeola, rubella and mumps immunity is acceptable in lieu of the vaccine.

4. Haemophilus Influenza Type B: One dose vaccine since 15 months of age through 4 years or a series of three doses before 15 months of age with one dose after 12 months of age. Serologic* confirmation of Hib immunity is acceptable in lieu of the vaccine.

5. Hepatitis B: Three doses Serologic* confirmation of Hepatitis B immunity is acceptable in lieu of the vaccine

6. Varicella (Chicken Pox): One dose received on or after the first birthday. Two doses for all students entering Pre- Kindergarten thru fifth grade and seventh – twelfth grades with first dose on or after first birthday. Students who start varicella immunization after age 13 years – two doses are required. Serologic* confirmation of immunity is acceptable in lieu of the vaccine. Previous varicella illness documented by a written statement from the parent or physician is acceptable in lieu of the vaccine.

7. Pneumococcal: (24-59 months): One dose after age 24 months or a minimum of three doses with one after 12 months of age.

8. Hepatitis A: Two doses are required for students entering pre-Kindergarten – fifth grade with the first dose received on or after the first birthday. Fifth through twelfth grades, two doses recommended, but not required. Vaccines given four days before the minimum age or interval are acceptable.

9. Meningococcal: One dose vaccine for all students entering seventh – twelfth Recommended vaccines HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS VACCINE – Three doses series with the first dose at 11-12 years, the second dose two months after the first dose, and a third dose six months after the first dose. Adolescents ages 13-18 years may receive the series if previously not vaccinated.

INFLUENZA VACCINE – Two doses for children ages 5-9 years receiving the vaccine for the first time. One dose for children ages 5- 21 receiving the vaccine after previous year(s) of vaccinations.